Supreme Court Justices Lead Landmark Judicial Conference in Chhattisgarh

A bold and robust district judiciary is the need of the hour,” says Hon’ble Justice Surya Kant

TFP Bureau, Bilaspur, September 9,2024: A historic state-level conference of judicial officers was hosted by the Chhattisgarh State Judicial Academy under the aegis of the High Court of Chhattisgarh on Sunday. The event, titled “Empowering District Judiciary: Insights into Criminal and Civil Laws,” saw a galaxy of legal luminaries, including Hon’ble Supreme Court Justices Surya Kant, PS Narasimha, and Prashant Kumar Mishra, gathering to address the future of the district judiciary.

The conference, held at the High Court auditorium, was inaugurated with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by Chief Guest Hon’ble Justice Surya Kant. In his keynote address, Justice Surya Kant emphasized the critical role of the district judiciary, noting that it serves as the first point of contact for litigants in both civil and criminal matters. He stressed the importance of trial judges addressing procedural and practical challenges, urging them to prioritize accountability to the High Court, their conscience, and the public as consumers of justice.

Justice Surya Kant called on judicial officers to adopt an institutional approach to overcoming procedural obstacles and to take a firm stance against frivolous litigation, which he said weakens the judiciary’s foundation. His address was a rallying cry for judicial officers to uphold boldness, excellence, and integrity in their work.

Hon’ble Justice PS Narasimha, speaking as a distinguished guest, highlighted the constitutional significance of district courts, emphasizing their role as the most accessible point of legal recourse for the public. He also stressed the need for judges to be empowered with knowledge and resources, cautioning against an over-reliance on technology and artificial intelligence, which could undermine human decision-making.

Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra underlined the importance of district courts in shaping judicial interpretation, as they often lay the groundwork for the development of laws by higher courts. He emphasized the need for district judiciary officers to have in-depth insights into both civil and criminal laws to effectively handle new legal challenges.

The conference was formally opened with a heartfelt welcome address by Hon’ble Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha, who expressed his gratitude to the visiting Supreme Court justices and emphasized the conference’s role in fostering a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices. A book titled *”District Courts of Chhattisgarh”* was also unveiled during the event, showcasing the diversity of the state’s judicial landscape.

The conference concluded with a valedictory address by Hon’ble Justice Parth Prateem Sahu, following a series of technical sessions chaired by High Court Justices and presentations by district judges, focusing on innovative solutions to challenges in civil and criminal trials. Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha expressed his deep appreciation to all the participants, including the Supreme Court justices, judicial officers, and stakeholders, for contributing to the success of this landmark event.

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