PM Modi Commends Chhattisgarh’s Butluram Mathra for Preserving Tribal Folk Art in ‘Mann Ki Baat’

Recognition in PM’s Radio Address Highlights Decades-Long Effort to Preserve Abujhmadia Tribal Art

TFP Bureau, Raipur, October 27, 2024:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated the dedication of Chhattisgarh’s Butluram Mathra in preserving the folk art of the Abujhmadia tribe during the 115th episode of his radio program, *Mann Ki Baat*, aired on Sunday. Mathra, hailing from Narayanpur, has spent the past 40 years safeguarding and promoting the art and culture of the Abujhmadia, bringing attention to Chhattisgarh’s rich tribal heritage.

In his address, Prime Minister Modi applauded Mathra’s commitment to preserving tribal artistry, saying, “Butluram ji has dedicated himself to sustaining folk art that beautifully captures the essence of Chhattisgarh’s culture. His passion is a beacon for future generations.” This national recognition underscores Mathra’s efforts to share the state’s cultural legacy with a broader audience.

Batluram ji

Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai also praised Mathra’s achievements, noting that recognition of cultural contributors like Mathra is vital to preserving India’s diverse heritage. “Narayanpur is home to vibrant tribal traditions, and our government will continue to support the work of Shri Mathra in keeping this legacy alive,” said the Chief Minister. He further highlighted Mathra’s contributions to social initiatives like *Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao* and *Swachh Bharat*, calling him an inspiring figure in the state’s cultural landscape.

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