TFP Bureau, Raipur; April 25,2024: In a major breakthrough in the Mahadev App betting case, two important absconding accused, Rahul Vakte and Ritesh Yadav, have been arrested by the investigating Bureau. The arrests come in connection with Crime Number 06/2024 under Sections 120B, 34, 420, 467, 468, 471 IPC, and the Mahadev App Satta case under Sections 7 and 11 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 2018.
Both Rahul Vakte and Ritesh Yadav had been evading authorities since the arrest of Chandrabhushan Verma in August. The Bureau’s team successfully located Rahul Vakte in Delhi and Ritesh Yadav in Goa, where they had been hiding for the past 7-8 months.
Rahul Vakte, one of the accused, was involved in receiving hawala money and sending it to Verma. Additionally, investigations revealed the existence of three registered firms in Rahul Vakte’s name, where substantial amounts of cash had been deposited.
On the other hand, Ritesh Yadav played a pivotal role in assisting Chandrabhushan Verma and Satish Chandrakar by managing the panel and facilitating transactions via hawala channels. Notably, hawala money amounting to Rs 43 lakh has been frozen as part of the investigation.
Further actions unfolded when the Bureau, in collaboration with the Pune Police, conducted a raid on the Mahadev Panel operated by Ritesh Yadav in Pune. This operation resulted in the successful arrest of 8 additional suspects, with the Pune Police initiating legal proceedings against those involved in managing the illicit panels.
Both Rahul Vakte and Ritesh Yadav will be presented before the Honorable Court and taken into police custody for further interrogation. Authorities anticipate obtaining crucial information from the accused that could shed light on the broader aspects of the Mahadev App betting racket.