NITI Aayog Concludes 2-Day G20 Policy Workshop on Green and Sustainable Growth
TFP Bureau, New Delhi, July 30, 2023 – The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI)...
TFP Bureau, New Delhi, July 30, 2023 – The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI)...
TFP Bureau, New Delhi, 30 July 2023: In the 103rd episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’,...
TFP Bureau Raipur,29 July 2023: Chhattisgarh Government has announced today to shuffle it’s 14 IAS...
TFP Bureau Raipur 28 July 2023: As per the announcement made by the Chief Minister,...
TRP Bureau New Delhi, 28th July 2023: The Union Minister of New Renewable Energy &...
TFP Bureau, New Delhi, July 27, 2023 – South Eastern Coalfields (SECL), a subsidiary of...
TFP Bureau New Delhi, July 25, 2023: India’s coal requirements are predominantly fulfilled through indigenous...
Preparations Underway for Public Meeting in Raigarh TFP Bureau Raipur; July 24, 2023: Prime Minister...
TFP Bureau Raipur; Jul 24, 2023: Congress President approves formation of State Election Committee for...
TFP Bureau Raipur July 23, 2023: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel is scheduled to meet with...
Apart from this, materials for sports, writing, reading, reading, musical instruments etc. were made available...
The skill-development vertical of Adani Foundation marks the completion of 7 years with a new...
शासकीय योजनाओं के क्रियान्वयन का लेंगे फीडबैक चंदली में रीपा का अवलोकन कर समूह के...
TFP24, Bureau Report, अंबिकापुर; 02 मई 2023: जिले के उदयपुर विकासखंड में स्थित परसा ईस्ट...
TFP24, Bureau Report, रायगढ़, 01 मई 2023. अदाणी फाउंडेशन द्वारा जिले के तमनार विकासखण्ड के...
TFP24 Bureau Report रायपुर; 01 मई 2023: मुख्यमंत्री श्री भूपेश बघेल सहित श्रम मंत्री श्री...
वित्तीय वर्ष 2022 -23 में करोड़ों रूपए के कराये विकास कार्य TFP 24 Bureau Report...
चौदह ग्रामों में 700 से ज्यादा स्वास्थ्य कैम्पों में 21000 से अधिक स्थानियों ने कराया...
3000 से अधिक पशुओं और कुक्कुटों का किया इलाज TFP24 Bureau Report रायपुर; 07/04/2023: रायपुर...
TFP 24 Bureau Report अंबिकापुर; 08/04/ 2023: विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस के अवसर पर स्वस्थ बने...
April 2, 2023; TFP24,Bureau news: Congress leader and former Member of Parliament Rahul Gandhi may...
29/03/2023; Bureau Report: Allahabad High Court Senior Judge at Lucknow Justice Ramesh Sinha took oath...
After Lok Sabha membership, Banglalow will be snatched from Rahul Gandhi, Lok Sabha Housing Committee...
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु कुष्मांडे देवी संस्थिता… सनातन धर्म में राम नवमीं का महत्व… 28 मार्च...
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